by Warren Howell | May 18, 2021 | Music & Words, Reflections
THE ARRIVAL of the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised his friends rode in upon a wind (or at least the sound of one). Wssshhhhhhhhh! It filled the house. Other remarkable things happened and it was a strange and cacophonous affair given witness to by the 2nd chapter of...
by Warren Howell | Mar 4, 2021 | Recordings, Worship Resources
The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. — Psalm 19:1 Psalm 19, one of the readings from the Hebrew Scriptures on the third Sunday in Lent, is a noble proclamation of God’s natural revelation. According to C.S. Lewis,...
by Warren Howell | Feb 12, 2021 | Prayers, Recordings, Reflections
High King of heaven, my victory won, may I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, still be my vision, O Ruler of all. — “Be Thou My Vision” (Trad. Irish Hymn) A moment with Maureen — warrenhowell ·...
by Warren Howell | Jan 17, 2021 | Prayers, Reflections, Worship Resources
Psalm 139 THE PSALM TEXT read in many congregations this morning is selected from portions of Psalm 139. I love the wholesale intimacy of its confessional text, leaving nothing hidden from our Creator, who knows even our most inward thoughts. Verses 11-18...
by Warren Howell | Dec 3, 2020 | Worship Resources
Prepare the Way December 6, 2020: Resources for Advent II (B) Color: Blue or Purple Scriptures: [linked to NRSV at Oremus Bible Browser] Isaiah 40:1-11 (Comfort and hope coming to God’s people in exile) Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 (Salvation is at hand) 2 Peter...