by Warren Howell | May 15, 2021 | Prayers, Reflections
When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up...
by Warren Howell | Jan 17, 2021 | Prayers, Reflections, Worship Resources
Psalm 139 THE PSALM TEXT read in many congregations this morning is selected from portions of Psalm 139. I love the wholesale intimacy of its confessional text, leaving nothing hidden from our Creator, who knows even our most inward thoughts. Verses 11-18...
by Warren Howell | Dec 4, 2020 | Reflections
I LOVE JESUS, who said to us: Heaven and earth will pass away. When heaven and earth have passed away, my word will remain. What was your word, Jesus? Love? Affection? Forgiveness? All your words were one word: Wakeup. — Antonio Machado, from “Times...
by Warren Howell | Apr 16, 2020 | Music & Words, Reflections
For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. —Song of Solomon 2:11-12 Trusting the birds to know Now is the time of the...
by Warren Howell | Mar 30, 2020 | Worship Resources
The Church Responds to a Dynamic Pandemic Because of the swiftly moving COVID-19 pandemic, the mandates for social distancing, and the shuttering of schools, businesses, and public places (including houses of worship), times have been stressful for everyone. It is...