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Lord of the voiceless, speak through us.
Lord of the satisfied, disturb us.
Lord of the sorrowful, console us.
Lord of the powerful, humble us.
Lord of the hungering, feed us.
Lord of the confident, confound us.
Lord of the questioning, ask with us.
Lord of the homeless, be home to us.
Lord of the responders, call for us.
Lord of the lonely, encounter us.
Lord of the wandering, arrive in us.
Lord of the forgotten, remember us.
Lord of the overlooking, be seen to us.
Lord of the courageous, challenge us.

Lord of the sick, heal —
of the week, strengthen —
of the seeking, find —
of the frightened, assure —
of the dying, raise to eternal life —
with you. Amen.


+ Remembering my mother, Christine Howell (1933-2020)